Category: Blog

  • Jonah Aragon: “Apple is Incredibly Salty” About the DMA

    Jonah Aragon: “Apple is Incredibly Salty” About the DMA

    Privacy Guides team member writes about Apple’s “compliance” with the EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA) on his website: Regulators, Apple, and tech commenters seem to be falsely equating the existence of alternative app stores with an open market. In reality, individual users will have no more real choices on iOS than they had before, even…

  • New Web Browser Comparison by Jonah Aragon (Video)

    New Web Browser Comparison by Jonah Aragon (Video)

    Some news from our community: Privacy Guides team member Jonah Aragon published a new web browser comparison video on YouTube, based on each browser’s privacy and security properties. Check it out below: My overall recommendation would be to choose both an “S Tier” browser below for your general, non-personal internet browsing (reading the news, posts, anything…

  • The Foundation of Privacy Guides: Jonah Aragon Interviewed on Short Explanations

    The Foundation of Privacy Guides: Jonah Aragon Interviewed on Short Explanations

    Privacy Guides team member Jonah Aragon spoke with Chaim Cohen and Tom Webster of the Short Explanations podcast to share the story of how Privacy Guides was started and what sets our site apart from similar projects in the personal cybersecurity space. Further Reading From our FAQ: PrivacyTools has become exactly the type of site we warned against on the PrivacyTools…

  • Jonah Aragon: “Device-based age verification is not a solution…”

    Jonah Aragon: “Device-based age verification is not a solution…”

    Privacy Guides team member Jonah Aragon published a blog post about the increasing restrictions against websites which serve adult content in some countries, and why the proposed “private” solutions aren’t good for the technology ecosystem as a whole: The recent move among U.S. states to add digital “age verification” to websites which serve adult content is a…

  • Jonah Aragon Explains Contact Key Verification in New Video

    Jonah Aragon Explains Contact Key Verification in New Video

    Privacy Guides team member Jonah Aragon published a video about Apple’s new security feature for iMessage users. After announcing them a year ago, Apple promises to drastically improve the security of your iMessages through two technologies: Key Transparency, and Contact Key Verification. Securing messages in apps like iMessage (which use end-to-end encryption) involves “public key cryptography.” Basically, let’s say you’re…

  • Are Passkeys Private? Jonah Aragon Explains This New Technology

    Are Passkeys Private? Jonah Aragon Explains This New Technology

    Privacy Guides team member Jonah Aragon provides a brief introduction to Passkeys, the latest technology intended to replace passwords for good.

  • The 4 Best Private Search Engines in 2023

    The 4 Best Private Search Engines in 2023

    Search engines are something you use every single day, but do you ever think about what they’re doing with all the data you give them? These private search engines won’t build an advertising profile based on your searches. These 4 search engines were reviewed by Privacy Guides, an independent non-profit unaffiliated with any of these…

  • Worried About TikTok? The RESTRICT Act Is Not the Answer Americans Are Looking For

    Worried About TikTok? The RESTRICT Act Is Not the Answer Americans Are Looking For

    Privacy advocates have been calling for the United States to adopt strong consumer privacy protection laws along the lines of the EU’s GDPR for a long time now, but the proposed Restricting the Emergence of Security Threats that Risk Information and Communications Technology (RESTRICT) Act isn’t the answer we’re looking for. Terrible acronym aside, the RESTRICT Act claims to……

  • New Privacy and Security Features in macOS Ventura

    New Privacy and Security Features in macOS Ventura

    macOS Ventura was released this week, and the Apple users among us may be interested in the improvements it brings to your personal privacy and security. We always recommend running the most up-to-date version of your operating system available. Updates add privacy and security improvements all the time—and macOS Ventura is no exception. Some notable new…