Tag: Video

  • New Web Browser Comparison by Jonah Aragon (Video)

    New Web Browser Comparison by Jonah Aragon (Video)

    Some news from our community: Privacy Guides team member Jonah Aragon published a new web browser comparison video on YouTube, based on each browser’s privacy and security properties. Check it out below: My overall recommendation would be to choose both an “S Tier” browser below for your general, non-personal internet browsing (reading the news, posts, anything…

  • Jonah Aragon Explains Contact Key Verification in New Video

    Jonah Aragon Explains Contact Key Verification in New Video

    Privacy Guides team member Jonah Aragon published a video about Apple’s new security feature for iMessage users. After announcing them a year ago, Apple promises to drastically improve the security of your iMessages through two technologies: Key Transparency, and Contact Key Verification. Securing messages in apps like iMessage (which use end-to-end encryption) involves “public key cryptography.” Basically, let’s say you’re…

  • Are Passkeys Private? Jonah Aragon Explains This New Technology

    Are Passkeys Private? Jonah Aragon Explains This New Technology

    Privacy Guides team member Jonah Aragon provides a brief introduction to Passkeys, the latest technology intended to replace passwords for good.