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Jonah Aragon Explains Contact Key Verification in New Video

Privacy Guides team member Jonah Aragon published a video about Apple’s new security feature for iMessage users. After announcing them a year ago, Apple promises to drastically improve the security of your iMessages through two technologies: Key Transparency, and Contact Key Verification.

Key Verification in iMessage has finally arrived!

Securing messages in apps like iMessage (which use end-to-end encryption) involves “public key cryptography.” Basically, let’s say you’re messaging your friend Alice. Alice has two keys: one public key and one private key. You can think of this public key more of a lockbox that you can put a message in. The only way to then “open” that lockbox and read the message is to use the private key.

Contact Key Verification Has Finally Arrived in iOS 17.2

Read the full post at jonaharagon.com



